Arthur Dunn Airpark (X21)

Arthur Dunn Airpark (X21) is a recreational airport conveniently located within North Titusville. Services include: aircraft repair, avionics, paint, flight training, T-hangar rentals, two licensed runways (one turf). Arthur Dunn Airpark is home to the Skydive Space Center. Contact us with any questions or comments.
CTAF – 123.00
15-33 (3000′ x 70′)
4-22 (1790′ x 100′ turf)
Skydive Space Center: 321.267.0016 | 100 Low Lead & Jet A
Arthur Dunn Tenants:
EAA Chapter 866 | ![]() |
Holland Sheltair | ![]() |
Skydive Space Center | ![]() |
>X21 Arthur Dunn Airpark Hangar Waitlist
The hangar waitlist is updated for each airport on a monthly basis. For information regarding how to reserve your position on the waitlist, please visit the Hangar Application and Information page, and be sure to review the Hangar Waiting List POLICY prior to completing your waitlist application.
X21 waitlist as of October 2024
> X21 Diagram
Arthur Dunn Airpark (X21) Airport Diagram
> X21 Minimum Standards
> Properties for Lease X21
> X21 History
A History of the Arthur Dunn Airpark
Arthur Dunn Airpark is situated along the East-Central coast of Florida in the City of Titusville, 2 miles Northwest of the central business district. It has been designated in the National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems as a basic utility airport, indicating that it services single engine and small twin-engine aircraft that have approach speeds less than 91 knots and wingspans of less than 49 feet.
During 1924-1925, the newly created U.S. Airmail Service established light stations and emergency landing fields along its major routes. Their facilities were spaced approximately 20 miles apart to provide airmail pilots with a nighttime navigational system. Although not every light station had an emergency landing field co-located with it, the coordinates that are now Arthur Dunn Airpark were located adjacent to a navigational light and at that time was a 40-acre lighted field. The facility soon turned into part of the country’s first radio navigational systems.
Historical research indicates that Arthur Dunn Airpark came into existence as a county airport in late 1927 as a 45-acre property leased to the Brevard County by 3 families to be used as an aircraft landing field in conjunction with the 40-acre emergency landing field already in use. During the initial term of the lease, Mr. Arthur Dunn, a prominent Brevard County Commissioner, supported the acquisition of an additional 40-acre tract located North of the emergency landing field. (Hence the name of the Airpark) The leases on the 45-acre property remained in effect until 1947, when the county purchased the property and that along with the emergency landing field and the 40-acre acquired property became Arthur Dunn Airpark as it exists today. The County operated the Airpark primarily as a base for its mosquito control organizations until 1966, in addition to being used as an auxiliary training field for navy pilots operating out of Sanford Airfield, and the Titusville-Cocoa Auxiliary Field, now known as Space Coast Regional Airport.
In 1965, The Brevard County Flying Posse, whose membership was primarily aircraft owners and pilots, entered a 10-year lease with the County to use a portion of the Airpark for hangars and tie-downs. When the County acquired the Airpark, the property consisted of a two-runway layout. Both runways were grass and aligned in east-west and northeast-southeast orientations, but during the Flying Posse’s lease, Runway 15-33 was constructed. This runway was paved and was 3,000 feet in length by 50 feet in width. In addition, a parallel taxiway, connectors, ramp, and most other paved areas were also constructed at a cost of $3,000.
In 1966 the County transferred ownership of the Arthur Dunn Airpark to the Titusville-Cocoa Airport District, and in 1967 a 3 party, 8-year operations agreement was executed between the District, The Flying Posse, and Dunn’s Flying Service to operate the Radio Aeronautical Advisory Service under the FCC license of the Flying Posse to provide UNICOM service to local pilots. The term of the agreement was set to expire at the same time the Flying Posse land lease expired in 1975.
During their leasehold, The Flying Posse reportedly was the prime factor in keeping the Airpark operational. During their lease term they constructed wooden hangars. These structures, including “The Posse Shack”, became the property of the Airpark at the expiration of The Flying Posse lease and have since been replaced by contractor-built t-hangar structures.
The current FBO building was constructed in the 1960’s and was operated by Taylor Dunn, son of Arthur Dunn. In 1964 an additional 1,850 yards of pavement was placed adjacent to the original apron to create the apron as it exists today. The current FBO is operated by Skydive Space Center.